In 2016, Swiss computer scientists Caecilia Charbonnier and Sylvain Chagué, along with entrepreneur Ronald Menzel, premiered a groundbreaking new approach to virtual reality. By merging the technique of “motion capture” used in blockbuster Hollywood movies with sophisticated programming and a deep understanding of body mechanics, they created a platform able to track six people simultaneously, in real-time, with full body presence, and render them as characters inside a computer generated world.

Suddenly the limits of VR were gone. You were no longer a lone observer, you became a participant. Immersive storytelling and shared experiences were a real possibility. VR was more than a device, it was a destination.

The platform soon caught the eyes of a group of global entertainment creators: producer, screenwriter, and former head of Dreamworks Motion Pictures, Walter Parkes; global music events producer and serial entrepreneur Kevin Wall, along with his partner Aaron Grosky; and former Chief Creative Officer of Disney Imagineering, Bruce Vaughn.

The producers and technologists brought their talents together, and Dreamscape Immersive was born. The vision: combine the emotional power of Hollywood storytelling, the visceral excitement of great theme-park rides, and this extraordinary new technology to create stories and worlds that push the limits of virtual reality.

Dreamscape is truly the birth of a new storytelling medium, giving people the opportunity to step into a story and watch it unfold around them as they explore cinematic worlds, characters and creatures never before thought possible. And each Dreamscape adventure is a shared experience, embracing the human desire to explore, learn and enjoy together.

Dreamscape venues began rolling out in December 2018.

Geneva is the first European Dreamscape venue.


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